first blog post! by chukisa 18/7/98 19:02hi :3 to be honest im not really sure what to write about XD well today i went to the city with my dad and he bought me some new bal tungle stuff. one of them is a keychain where if you tilt it he winks at you XD its kinda like how when you lay a babydoll down it closes its eyes. the other stuff is mostly things i already have. since we were in the capital we also went to pay respects to bal tungles mentor Trestis Grak. no offense to any of my american readers but sometimes i get really mad at america for taking him away :( i dont know what hes working on for the americans but i hope theyre treating him good. heres a picture of the statue we paid respects at:
credit to the photographer i found it online XD hes not smoking in the statue hes actually doing a thing called vaporing but it never really caught on. well anyway thats about it. tomorrow i have another panel de pon tournament but the prize money is little so i was thinking about skipping to work on my website :P
ok bye bye XD check out this funny gif i saw lol